So today was my last day in the Philippines! Don’t think I’ve ever been equally sad and excited to leave somewhere – I’ve had the best time but I do miss England and the comforts of home. This morning I went to church as my flight wasn’t until this afternoon and when I got back
This morning we had an outside surgeon come in with his team and they performed ligations free of charge (tubes tied). We were able to stand in and watch some of them; we had 12 women in total come in – they ranged from having 2 children to having 8! They did a tiny cut,
This morning I sat in on the ultrasounds. If the women were willing they would also have an IE. The midwife located the head and measured it, and when possible the femur, and also found the heartbeat and measured the foetus’ heart tone. Was so bizarre to see the foetus’ heartbeat literally beating on the
Today I actually woke up on time (what) and was downstairs before 6:45am!! Today was new patients day so it takes a bit of time. The women need to give their family history, have their vitals taken, listen to a seminar, have blood and urine test and an ultrasound so they’re at the centre for
Today I ambitiously woke up at 5:30am intending to go down for 6am…I ended up falling back asleep until 11am. I’ve decided I’m going to aim for the more realistic goal of up for 7am tomorrow! When I got downstairs I did a lot of little jobs that needed doing; moving cupboards and doing filing
Today was my day off and thankfully it rained most of the day so it was cooler than it’s been in weeks! We were going to go to the mall and the market today but there a few national holidays this week so a lot of the stalls won’t be open so we ended up
Today I was on outreach and went out into the community. Before we left the midwives were like ‘get your gloves on there’s a woman about to give birth!’ so I was able to catch another baby! This one was a lot more independent, they just told me what to do rather than guiding my
Today is Sunday so this morning we went to church. After church we went to a Korean restaurant for lunch which was the second time I’ve had it and it’s so delicious <3 When we got back the midwives said ‘get your gloves on there’s a baby coming!’ so I went and caught my second
Today I had a chill day and was helping Rebecca prepare to go home! 🙁 This morning I helped her pack her bag and she was able to change rooms and sit up for a bit which is an improvement! After this she was exhausted and napped for a few hours. While she was napping
Today was the antenatal clinic where women come in for their checkups. I started off in the lab testing urine. Each woman has a number on their notes which matches up to the number on the cup in which their urine is. Our centre has a coloured paper clip system where different colours show what